

'Row Row Row a Boat
Gently down the Stream
Life is But a Dream'

All of us would have heard this nursery rhyme.
Most of our ancient scriptures also mention life as a dream to be lived in between birth and death.

Every night of our life,we dream when we fall asleep.If Life is itself a dream,then what is this dream within a dream?. Psychologists have interpreted dreams as a manifestation of inner desires and unspoken fears. A classic of our times,'The Alchemist' has a story line originating from the protagonist's dream.The dream takes him far and wide and helps him realise his potential.

I aspire my dream trail to be something similar-a journey which would broaden my horizons,a journey which would inspire me to do my best,a journey which would satisfy me spiritually,emotionally,intellectually and visually.

Travel changes our perception of life and enables us to appreciate differences in peoples and cultures.Travel helps us to better ourselves and identify our inner potential.We do not travel to find something,we travel to find ourselves.

The religious minded like to travel to places of worship.The fun-loving aspire for a trip filled with adventure sports like para-gliding,skiing,mountaineering and the like.For the lovelorn,a romantic destination with cloud-kissed mountains and blooming gardens is the ideal holiday destination.For the lonely wanderer,new cities and diverse cultures beckon.For the artistically inclined,rendezvous with museums and cultural hot spots is the preferred dream trail.For the foodies,a trip across the continents with visits to culinary destinations is the ultimate dream trail.For nature lovers,wildlife sanctuaries and virgin forests are a favourite haunt.For those interested in the past,historical landmarks and ancient ruins are worth a visit.

At the end of the day,what is one's dream trail speaks volumes of what the person is.

So what is mine?

Perhaps,a dream trail with a combination of all this.I want to experience all of life before this big dream of life comes to an end.

A dream trail which will enthrall,educate and entertain at the same time.Does such a dream trail exist in reality?.I hope so.The world is big enough to satisfy everyone's dreams.The Lord Almighty in all his benevolence has created this world to meet each and every creature's aspiration.And so in this mighty world,I aspire for a journey to fulfill my dreams too.

So I have the confidence that there exists a dream trail somewhere in this world which is an assorted package catering to all my five senses.A dream trail which will be fun-filled,romantic,culturally and spiritually satisfying,blessed with natural sights and relaxing at the same time.

Waiting with bated breath to undertake a journey through my dream trail!


I am blogging about my dreams and passions for the Club Mahindra #DreamTrails activity at BlogAdda. You can get a Club Mahindra Membership to own your holidays!
