The Saptha Swaras

Music is governed by the seven octave notes.Indian classical music has seven notes known as saptha swaras- the equivalent of  solfege(Do,Re,Mi,Fa,So,La,Ti) .

The saptha swaras are thought to have emanated from Shiva's dumru.(musical drum).

The Saptha Swaras of Carnatic Music are:

Sa,Ri,Ga,Ma.Pa.Da and Ni

Sa is short for Shadja-Here 'shadja'  is Sanskrit for six.This corresponds to 'Do' of Western music. Sa is the first note generating the next six notes.Hence the name 'Shadjam'

Ri is short for Rishaba-In Sanskrit,Rishabh stands for a bull.This corresponds to 'Re' of Western music.

Ga is short for Gandhara-This corresponds to 'Mi' of Western music.

Ma is short for Madhyama-This means 'middle' in Sanskrit.True to its name,this is the middle name.This corresponds to 'Fa' of Western music.

Pa is short for Panchama-Meaning 'fifth' in Sanskrit.This is the fifth of the seven notes and hence the name.This corresponds to 'So' of Western music.

Da is short for Dhaivata-This is the sixth of the seven notes.This corresponds to 'La' of Western music.

Ni is short for Nishada-The last of the saptha swaras.This corresponds to 'Ti' of Western music.

The first two swaras,'Sa' and 'Pa' are constant swaras called 'Prakriti swaras'.The other five swaras as known as 'Vikruthi swaras' as they can have varying positions.


Written for Day 11 of Ultimate Blogging Challenge


